The Four Minute Mile.

Have you heard the story of the four minute mile?

It was thought to be impossible by most.

Anyone who attempted it was called crazy. But that didn’t stop people from trying.

in 1954 Roger Bannister did it, the first ever sub four minute mile.

Guess what happened after he managed it?

46 days later, another runner broke it. A year later, three more. Then over the last century, more than a thousand runners have achieved it.

There’s still people out there that think hard things = impossible. Even after people achieved them.

Building online is one of those things.

A scam? Not a real job? Snake oil? I’ve heard it all.

Now tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people are making a living online and still, some people think it’s impossible.

Just look at the comments on my newest video.

“This video is of a young man who hasn’t realized, that his life isn’t about him, yet.”

“You sound like an idiot who is too self-absorbed.”

(I don’t even know what that first one means lmao)

My point is many think this is impossible.

Even after it has been done and proven.

Stop listening to people who can’t think big.

You’ve got this.

Talk soon.


P.S. The Acolyte is still horrible.

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