
Past Blog Posts.

Ryan Bolton

You don’t want to retire.

“Many young men die at age 25, but are not buried until they’re 75,” Benjamin Franklin. I get a sense that we have lost ourselves in completing an endless cycle of repetitive tasks: finishing high school, going to university, and then getting a job where you’re trapped on autopilot until

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Ryan Bolton

How I got 500 subscribers (so you can copy me lol)

Starting on YouTube is intimidating. It’s just you, your camera, and endless amounts of doubt. I recently hit 500 subscribers, which I admit isn’t a lot. But what’s crazy is that this puts me in the top 77.9% of YouTube channels. You’re so close to being there too. I’ve learned

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Ryan Bolton

This Took 2 Weeks To Write.

Why do we hold off doing the thing? I have been trying to write this post for 2 weeks. Funny thing, the subject had always been the same. “Just do the thing” I know it’s going to only benefit people (and I enjoy writing once I start). Often it feels

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