Leverage, Leverage & Leverage.

Leverage: use (something) to maximum advantage.

Working for someone else restricts our time, freedom (and enjoyment).

To take upmost advantage of our ‘free’ time we need to use leverage as much as possible.

What does this mean?

It means anything you have achieved (no matter how small) needs to be used to maximum advantage.

I fall in to the trap of thinking I haven’t achieved anything of value.

I am sure you do too.

We would both be wrong.

  • A thriving relationship – check
  • Graduated University – check
  • Make money online – check
  • Able to run 5km – check

No matter what they are, we write them off as ‘nothing’ because we are not at the level of success that we are striving for.

The reality though, these achievements we discard are what people are fighting for.

So we owe it to them (and ourselves) to squeeze the most from our achievements to help others.

Think of what you have achieved…

Now think of everyone you know who hasn’t come close to it.

Zoom out further…

How many people out of 8 billion would benefit from your guidance to help them achieve it?

The interent & social media has given us the ability to do this.

As Dan Koe says “you have a million dollar business inside your head”.

Keep pushing my friend.

We are all going to make it.


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