My Blog

I am building my future.

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Failing is a good thing (here’s why)

Getting zero results is the best thing that will happen to you. I know that’s not what you want to hear, but that’s what we are going to talk about.

I spent 12 months building an online business. Early mornings, late nights of learning and frustration to the point of tears.

The more I worked, the fewer results I was getting, and it got worse seeing other people killing it.

Finding Work That Feels Like Play

Of course, I couldn’t be the problem. (because I’m perfect).

So, I would keep jumping niches and business models. Subconsciously, I knew what I was doing wasn’t right for me. I was just too frustrated to accept it.

This is where I found the key to winning is finding “work that feels like play.” It became evident that if I was willing to give something up, no matter how much I “thought” I wanted, it wasn’t for me.

And right now, I am at the happiest time of my life. I’m about to get married. Why would I want to spend the time leading up to it doing something I hated?

The idea that I could create some form of work that feels like play is still so foreign, partially because we’re conditioned to believe that work is mundane and boring.

If you look at the definition of play, “to engage in an activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.”

That sounds like something you want to do more of, which coincidentally encourages you to work more because you love doing it.

Embracing Authenticity in Your Journey

Do you think people who copy & paste Excel sheets all day think that is play? (I can tell you from experience it’s not.)

So, doesn’t it make sense to pursue something that no one else could compete with you on because you can do it all day?

If you combine that unrivalled motivation with the internet, you’ve got a whole other beast; you can connect with people like you but on a spectrum of experience levels that you can either learn from or pass information down to.

The cope I hear from this (usually from lazy people) is that they don’t want to ruin what they enjoy doing by introducing money into the mix, but wouldn’t you rather do something you love for a living?

I think my realization and a lot of people’s is that there is something here, and it’s come at the right time.

People no longer trust or care for cold, careless corporations who don’t care about them; they’re craving something authentic.

My Passion Project

I found that I love coming up with ideas and bringing them to life. My project right now is raising money for abandoned dogs by selling hats.

To do that, I have had to learn how to write, which I am starting to love. Filming and editing. Building relationships online. And to a lot of people, this sounds like work. Which is the point.

To have gotten here, I spent a lot of time with nothing happening.

But I would rather that than do that one thing someone told me to do.

And if you can just find things you can happily do without getting results, they will come.

That’s why I started this blog; I have also started a free community on X helping people build online.

I hope you’re having a good day,

Talk soon.


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