This Took 2 Weeks To Write.

Why do we hold off doing the thing?

I have been trying to write this post for 2 weeks.

Funny thing, the subject had always been the same.

“Just do the thing”

I know it’s going to only benefit people (and I enjoy writing once I start).

Often it feels like two magnets repelling each other.

No matter the time I set aside, no matter all the good intentions I just don’t do it.

I posted a video on how to stop procrastinating (don’t judge me).

Is it because I enjoy the idea of doing the thing more than the thing? Yes.

Do I focus on past results instead of current processes? Yes.

If you follow me on X, you would have known that I was all over the place, different content for X, different content for YouTube, now it is all streamlined.

I have one dedicated problem I want to solve, my fitness.

That gives me content for YouTube – the problems I encounter.

Then X is essentially a diary for what I am learning on YT.

One action flowing into each other.

How it should be.

This won’t directly solve my issue of procrastination.

But, it’s a start.

Check out the video – I promise it will help.

Talk soon.


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